Sunday, July 9, 2017

Creating MyEtherWallet account

Creating MyEtherWallet account

Generate a wallet with a passphrase and store the passphrase in your password manager.

Download the keyfile. Store it safely. You use this file to sign in back in to your MyEtherWallet account. Do not lose this file or its password . You can also use the same keyfile with other Ethereum wallets.

After downloading the keyfile you are given an option to print a paper backup.

Topping up your wallet
Sign in to your MyEtherWallet from the Send Ether & Tokens navigation link. You need to give your Keystore File and password.

Transfer ETH from your exchange account to the MyEtherWallet address. Ethereum transactions usually confirm under 2 minutes. If the ETH balance does not show up then hit the refresh in your web browser and sign in to your wallet again.

Note: The screenshots are used to get familiar with myetherwallet’s appearance. Do not use screenshots’ ETH address, screenshots’ gas limit and data input for any kind of transaction.

Note: In cases such as:a) wrong gas limit and correct data input
b) correct gas limit and wrong data input
c) wrong gas limit and wrong data input

The amount of ETH will be automatically refunded to your own Ethereum wallet address.

Confirming the transaction

After the sending the transaction MyEtherWallet will give you an link for your transaction tracking in a green pop up dialog box. Click the link. Check that you get a green mark . You can confirm on if your transaction is successfully deposited on the pre-token sale contract. Below is an example of a successful output.